Little Lights Dentistry Wish List
To enhance the educational experience for parents, caregivers, and children, we plan to install a Smart TV in our waiting room. This will enable us to play engaging educational videos that emphasize proper oral hygiene routines and healthy nutritional habits.
Children experiencing dental pain often feel anxious about visiting the dentist or receiving dental care. Allowing them to watch an overhead TV while in the dental chair is a common practice that helps to reduce anxiety and improve cooperation. They can be distracted by watching popular Disney movies or other children's films of their choice. The following items are needed:
$500: Smart TVs (2 at $250 each)
$1,000: TV installation (2 at $500 each)
$80: Cabling (2 at $40 each)
$200: Bluetooth headphones (4 at $50 each)
$100: TV mounts (2 at $50 each)
$250: Access to educational streaming videos
$2,130: Total
At the end of their appointment, children who have undergone a difficult or lengthy procedure and those who have demonstrated good home care routines with daily brushing and flossing are rewarded with a visit to the "Treasure Chest."
$ 1,800.00 Cost to purchase toys for the Treasure Chest for 12 months.
Wish List Total: $3,930.00
If you have questions, please get in touch with the Executive Director, Lori Sang, at lsang@littlelightsdentistry.org or (772) 223-9784.